The Shop

Our shop is at 3377 Lake Rd in Williamson, NY (click for directions) and is open by appointment. You can make an appointment with Jim through Calendly at While our shop does stock many items, we recommend sending us an email ( before traveling so that we can meet your needs.

our shop

shop indoors

shop indoor


The Quarry

Our quarry is located in Scottsville, NY. The maximum depth is 25 feet, and visibility can be as much as forty feet. The quarry contains a variety of fish that like to hang around underwater structures.


Quarry Directions

Set your GPS to 80 W River Road, Scottsville, NY (GPS coordinates 42°58'52.7"N, 77°44'52.4"W).  There is a sign on the road for the Livingston Office Park.

Next, drive slowly (10mph) past the parking area. The road will curve to the right, and then you'll see a road to the left with the RU4Scuba sign. Turn left and continue to the dive site.

